A "Grand Entry" of the cast descends on the "Investigators" lead by Grav, the first known three eyed multi-foot gravitom (not graviton) with a resting (not rest) mass of zero and 4-moment (not momentum) p, moving along its null geodesic (straight line) toward students Investigators.
Next is Ocity, a tuxedoed "Function Master" moving Grav with a "dance ribbon" or two. Then several "Function Jesters and Jugglers" walking, prancing and dancing with
one that looks like a green "Gumby" and other more traditional jesters, some are juggling. One jester, perhaps Tim,
may be testing the room with a one meter unit pendulum. Our band (Ely Thayer on a Yamaha PSR-248 accompanied by Digital Orchestrator Plus) is playing Margaret Goldston's Circus Jugglers in the background. Some Grav Juniors may be following behind doing the inversion step once in a while.
Eart and other spherical objects have a symbiotic attachment to Grav and
Grav Juniors.
Ocity: Ladies and gentleman, students and teachers, Investigators of all kinds - we have found the first gravitom in captivity, "Grav".
Scientists thought one or more existed but did not know how many legs it had nor its surface area. I, "Ocity", wish to introduce you to the wonderment of my "Function Festival" where you may "guess" each step of our path - or - you may not!
Ocity: At my command the great "Grav" will invert ~ an action never seen by a human before (except for those of us in dress rehearsal).
Grav: MMOOAANN (with a beat or a full dialogue the class deems relevant)
Ocity: OK "GRAV" INVERT!!!! You may think you are hearing a sound or even a song coming from "Grav" - well - yes - you - are.
Grav: MMOOAANN.... (more of a chant or song now - with a beat and content of some type such as ... or a full dialogue the class deems relevant)
Each leg (one at the top) or legs (two at the bottom like a pair of jeans) moves rhythmically from the inside of Grav's surface to the outside juggling one or more balls or in the case of the eyes - juggling three clubs. Eart is still located in the saddle of Grav's surface. Chanting and tossing one ball or two - if one falls it is left for an intrigued Investigator to pick up since each leg has a pocket full of balls waiting to be dropped.
Ocity: BACK "GRAV" - Back "O Great One" - - Good (Ocity turns to the Investigators as "Grav" inverts and postulates) We do not know which is the NATURAL STATE for "Grav". Inside Out - Outside In - Are those OPPOSITES or the same(?) - maybe we should consider INSIDE IN or OUTSIDE OUT instead?? What do you Investigators think? Oh well - never mind - you are just beginning to muse about that OPPOSITE stuff for yourself - right!
By now "Grav Junior(s)" are in the inverted mode with their own rhythms - dancing or walking while Grav starts to give birth to the first of many function legs.
Ocity: Tim - Do we have time for this?
Tim: We do we have time for a few function presentations if "Grav" cooperates (and Tim carries the show of classmates presenting information via Grav stages etc.)
After all legs have had their opportunity to explain the object(s) held and move back under Grav or Grav Junior(s) there is an attempt to have Eart and other sphericals ORBIT in their respective saddles.
Investigators could line up in function patterns within dancing ribbons held in an x-y axis pattern. A projector backlight or low intensity strobe on an x-y axis sheet or "flash" slides of material. (ALSO) This is the test time where we check to see if Investigators have learned from us. How much has transferred and in what ways?
Smallest "Grav Junior" is "Lucy"
"Eyes In Searching Mode" via Legs Jester then eyes back in seeing mode.
All Investigators are encouraged to toss the spheroids onto Grav's surface. This action is to gravity's flow in four dimensions as schools of minnows are to the currents of a stream in three dimensions.
Masks: Legs look good with parabola body-heads,two dimensions, or paraboloidal, three dimension tops. Other functions from everyday activities say measured with a "ThinkStation" or LABPRO can be displayed in the same way. Even the local area of the Investigators' School. Masks become the handouts maybe! Masks mask us but give meaning to them! Meaning that they can ware.
During one of Grav's inversions we could try: 1. a cartwheel - A rolling motion in which the body turns over sideways with the arms and legs spread out in four directions - with the starting hand grasp on Grav in a half twist. 2. taking Investigators inside and sending them out with objectives like juggling, displaying information 3. Dropping off and absorbing material or math artists to exhibit on the next go a round. 4. Juggling objects from Grav to Grav Junior(s) in various patterns including the cascade. 5. Grav Junior under another Grav Junior under Grav to evolve additional concepts. ...
Grav and Grav Juniors are the philosophical stages of this show with individuals such as Ocity, all Jesters, Erse, Tim, Tivity, Lucy, Univ, Rela and Vel external to the stage in some way but acting in elevated spaces, dimension wise, with light focused on joining Investigators with Stages.